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Kathleen McGlade

Postpartum Doula

Hi, I'm Kathleen


I am a certified postpartum doula, south Jersey native , and mom of three. I believe optimal care is achieved when holistic health and modern medicine come together, and that the right support can provide the healing and comfort we all need and deserve.


My goal is to support you as a new parent so that you may transition and thrive as a family in your own unique experience.




Why hire a postpartum doula?

There is often a significant gap in care for mothers/parents after a new baby is born. Research shows that those who chose to hire a postpartum doula have a higher success rate in breast feeding, lower instances of postpartum anxiety and depression,and overall higher rates of satisfaction and contentment in their postpartum period. 

When is the best time to hire a postpartum doula?

There is no right or wrong time to begin this process. The earlier you reach out the more likely you will be able to secure the dates that make sense for you. We would meet before the baby is due, and then I usually begin in your home

the week the baby arrives, and continue for several weeks or months. 

What is the difference between a doula and a midwife?

A midwife is a licensed practitioner comparable to an OBGYN who handles the physical aspects of pregnancy and birth. A doula acts as a support person with things like healing and comfort measures, emotional needs, education and resources. A doula does not diagnose or treat. Postpartum doulas work with you in your home to support you after the arrival of your new baby.



"I whole heartedly recommend Kathleen to new moms whether they are having their first or welcoming new additions to their family"
Beth K. 
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